Prof. Dr. Philipp Doebler
Mail: doeblerstatistik.tu-dortmundde
Statistical Methods in Social Sciences
Phone: 0231 / 755 - 8259
Mathematik | Room M 737

The campus of the TU Dortmund University is located near the freeway junction Dortmund West, where the Sauerland line A45 crosses the Ruhr expressway B1/A40. The Dortmund-Eichlinghofen exit on the A45 leads to the South Campus, the Dortmund-Dorstfeld exit on the A40 leads to the North Campus. The university is signposted at both exits. All FAIR PIs have offices on the North Campus. FAIR's main offices will be located a bit off the North Campus on Martin-Schmeisser-Weg 17 (parking behind the building).
The "Dortmund Universität" S-Bahn station is located directly on the North Campus. From there, the S-Bahn line S1 runs every 15 or 30 minutes to Dortmund main station and in the opposite direction to Düsseldorf main station via Bochum, Essen and Duisburg. In addition, the university can be reached by bus lines 445, 447 and 462. Timetable information can be found on the homepage of the Verkehrsverbundes Rhein-Ruhr, and DSW21 also offer an interactive route network map.
From Dortmund Airport, the AirportExpress takes just over 20 minutes to Dortmund main station and from there to the university by S-Bahn. A wider range of international flight connections is offered by Düsseldorf Airport, about 60 kilometers away, which can be reached directly by S-Bahn from the university's train station.
One of the landmarks of the TU Dortmund is the H-Bahn. Line 1 runs every 10 minutes between Dortmund Eichlinghofen and the Technology Center via Campus South and Dortmund University S, while Line 2 commutes every 5 minutes between Campus North and Campus South. It covers this distance in two minutes.
You are here:
Mail: doeblerstatistik.tu-dortmundde
Statistical Methods in Social Sciences
Phone: 0231 / 755 - 8259
Mathematik | Room M 737
Philipp Doebler studied mathematics from 2001-2006 followed by a PhD in set theory in early 2010. Since then, Philipp Doebler has been working in the broad area of quantitative psychological methods, first as a research assistant in the group of Statistics and Methods at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Münster. From the beginning of 2014 the DFG funded a principal investigator position in Münster for Philipp Doebler for an international research project. After holding interim professorships in Mannheim and Ulm, Philipp Doebler has been working at TU Dortmund University since the summer semester of 2016.
DeVries, J. M., Szardenings, C., Doebler, P., & Gebhardt, M. (2020). Individualized Assignments, Group Work and Discussions: How They Interact With Class Size, Low Socioeconomic Status, and Second Language Learners. Frontiers in Education, 5(65), 13p.
Doebler, A., & Doebler, P. (online first). Rotate and Project: Measurement of the Intended Concept with Unidimensional Item Response Theory from Multidimensional Ordinal Items. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 17 pages.
Doebler, P., Alavash, M., & Giessing, C. (2015). Adaptive experiments with a multivariate Elo-type algorithm. Behavior Research Methods, 47(2), 384–394.
Doebler, P., Holling, H., & Böhning, D. (2012). A Mixed Model Approach to Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Studies with Binary Test Outcome. Psychological Methods, 17(3), 418–436.
Welz, T., Doebler, P., & Pauly, M. (online first). Fisher transformation based Confidence Intervals of Correlations in Fixed- and Random-Effects Meta-Analysis. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. Advance online publication.